Give thanks

As I was reflecting this past Thanksgiving, I realized I have much to be thankful for this year. I was a highly functioning alcoholic. I never had a DUI, thank God, nor was I ever in trouble with the law. I never required a drink to get me going in the morning and my body never had to suffer any real physical withdrawals if I was ever without it for a time. And it never ever, affected my work. Actually, more often than not, among addicts who happen to have professional careers, it's the workplace that's the last to suffer. Sure there were times when my close friends may have noticed I went a little overboard at parties or get togethers, but that was just me having fun or an isolated occurrence from having a rough week. It wasn't like I had a real problem. Nope, I held it together pretty well. Not a lot of people knew I had this problem or could even tell. I was such a great player that I even fooled myself...