40 days to 40, day 28

    Every night, as we tuck our boys in bed we ask them these 3 questions.  I have to give my husband credit for coming up with the questions, but it can be either one of us who will do the asking at any given night.  I think it is our way of connecting with our sons one last time before the busy day comes to a close and they wake up and become another day older. 
1. What is something that made you sad or cry today? 
2. What is something that made you laugh or happy today? 
3.  What is something your learned today? 

So today I will answer those questions for myself.    

1.  When I saw my overloaded schedule at work.  
2.  I was blessed to have a couple of highlights.  One was when I received a book.  This was a long anticipated book, written by my favorite author and promised to me back in June at our professional development conference when I got to meet this author in person!  And then! I was able to spend time with my 2nd oldest, Nathan at a reading aloud program where I won more books.  I really love books! Not only that, it was a special time that I got to bond with my middle child, someone I felt like I've been neglecting lately.  I think he had fun too. He gave me a hug a couple of times during the evening (in public mind you!) and wants to attend the next program in a couple of months. 
3. Never pigeon hole your kids.  I think as a parent its tempting to say, this one's the smart one, this one's the athletic one and this one's the wild one but they're so much more than that.  Bonding with your kids is a life long process of getting to know them and their complex personalities.  Keep an open mind and encourage their unique gifts.   Oh and also learned that you burn more calories reading than watching television. 

Life is like that. You live it forward but understand it backward. --Abraham Verghese 


  1. This is so encouraging that I will communicate with our kids..I do..but always room for improvement! This brought tears to my eyes as I read your blog!:)

  2. This is so encouraging that I will communicate with our kids..I do..but always room for improvement! This brought tears to my eyes as I read your blog!:)


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