40 days to 40, day 30

  I can't believe its almost here, my 40th birthday. And soon I will need to go get my boobies smashed for the very first time.   I just can't wait! (sarcasm)  But seriously folks,  now I will take this moment  for a public service announcement.  Women, go get your boobies smashed. It could save your life.   Seriously!  Anyway, moving on. I'm not going to freak out about my birthday just like I said at the beginning of this journey.   I'm really truly excited for my birthday as everyone should be, every year of their life.  
It may be hard in a dark world today to get excited about anything.   Not to sound all spooky near Halloween, but evil truly does lurk around us and as evident by watching the news.   Yet, you or I can be a bright star that shines even in the darkest night.  How? By being positive and open to the Holy Spirit in the midst of unbelievers around us.   You might not feel like it and the enemy may try to convince you otherwise, but if you keep Jesus as your center and a prayerful spirit, then darkness will not overcome you.   Time is a way that the enemy might get a hold of me.  That's why its important to make the time to pray. Make the time to get into the bible and make the most of every opportunity.   
......(and women don't forget to get your mammograms) 

You can't  hide your true colors as you approach the autumn of your life. --Author unknown


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