40 days to 40, day 31
I used to struggle with this verse. I strove to be a strong independent woman focused on my career so I really couldn't see myself submitting to anything. I remember reuniting with two my old girlfriends from college while I was in medical school over coffee one night. They both were my seniors, good friends and Christian women who I looked up to very much. I think this was before or just when I became married and not sure how the subject came up. I will never forget the moment when they looked me straight in the eye and told me that the husband is the head of the household as if they were breaking some horrible news. This was the truth and I just had to accept it. Well the message really isn't horrible as I've come to learn. Its just the concept of submission in this day and age is seen as weakness or slavery. Its an old fashioned idea for another time. The submission this passage talks about and actually all throughout the bible is a submission to God, his word and each other. We are called to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. And, if you actually read ahead in this passage, it also says for husbands to love their wives just as Christ loved you and love your wives as yourself. Now I've only been married fourteen years and I can tell you this is a hard lesson to learn. Submitting to your husband or spouse takes sacrifice. It's a life long learning process but it can also be rewarding and such a blessing. I remember reading this passage on our wedding night. We prayed that we would continually submit to Christ and each other as husband and wife. Times gets tough and life does not go quite the way you expect it. There are times when one of us definitely felt like walking away from each other. I've been blessed to have a life partner to take this journey with me.
Marriage is when a man and women become one; the trouble starts when they try to decide which one. - Anonymous
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