40 days to 40, day 35
I got my first birthday card in the mail today! Yay! From my mommy and daddy. Well, actually my first birthday card was yesterday from my car insurance company. But today's card was real. It was sincere! I am blessed to have been raised by two loving parents. I'm sure there were times that I drove them mad and probably still do. As a parent now myself, I've come to appreciate those challenges that come from raising a child. Yet, you never stop loving them, sincerely. To love sincerely is not always an easy thing to. I mean, let's face it, some people are just hard to love. But isn't that what Jesus did and asks us to do? To love the unloveable? Isn't that what he does for us?
Like the love of a parent for their own child. That often takes courage because it exposes us to potentially be hurt if we don't get that love or appreciation reciprocated. Sincere love is like a gift, not expecting anything in return. I pray that I have the courage to love like that even when its hard.
Loving without the promise of love in return is a sacred kind of love. -Jennifer Fox
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