40 days to 40, day 11

   What does it mean to be a Christian? After these past couple of days, I feel compelled to answer this question. I feel like I was challenged recently to define the word, 'Christian'. Of course, if you ask different people, I'm sure everyone will give a different answer.  Well, this is my answer.  Yes, it is unfortunate that the very word has brought negative connotations for whatever reason and likely based on people's own experiences or background. Its unfortunate, but true. 

     Being a Christian to me means being a Christ follower.  And to be a Christ follower is to simply  live a life to be more Christ like.  That's certainly sounds like a tall order doesn't it? And definitely not a simple or easy life.  It's a tall order and a goal that will never be met as long as I live here on earth.
The reason is because I am a sinner.  I am not perfect. I make mistakes.  Don't put me on a pedestal because I will let you down.  Case in point, I cheated on my fast and had a chocolate chip cookie tonight, but I'll have you know I did do my daily devotion time (spending time in prayer and the Bible) and I think that's what really mattered to my God anyway.  Its not the act of the fast, but the spirit behind it.  And even though I failed,  He still loves me anyway! yay!  
But why?  Why would I get what I don't deserve and not get what I do deserve?  Because of his grace and mercy.  I'm a sinner, but I've been forgiven by the blood of Jesus. When I came to accept Jesus in my heart, I became his adopted daughter.  It is not because I did anything myself.  It is by His grace and his grace alone that I am forgiven.  I'm a sinner, once a slave to sin  but I've been set free because the penalty for sin has been paid. I am new in Christ.   So because of this, I can move past all my shortcomings and failures and live for Christ.  That is what being a Christian means to me. 

It's not living by a set of rules.
It's  having a deep relationship with Christ.
It is not about earning a way to heaven. 
It is about reaching out to one another. 
It's not about being happy, go lucky all the time. 
It's about being authentic and having faith that God is in control. 
It is not about appearing to have it all together.
It's about praying to God and asking others for help. 
It's not about being a push over. 
It's about standing for what you believe in, even when it goes against the crowd. 
It's not having the right to judge others. 
It's about loving and accepting others, even the unlovable. 
It is about loving others as Christ loves us, as Christ loves me and Christ loves you.  

The older you get, the more you realize that it isn't about the material things, or pride or ego. It's about our hearts and who they beat for.  --Andrew Guzaldo 


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