Hopeful preparation.

I'm so excited to have completed my second marathon, the Honolulu marathon. Many preparations and training went into that day. One way I prepared myself was to run some of the actual course. That way, I would become familiar with the terrain and know what to expect on race day. I think this created a sense of confidence and calmness as I was faced with the difficult challenge of that day. As the miles progressed I knew it would only be so long on this straight away before I would turn the corner. I knew when to prepare myself, change my pace before that treacherous hill. Knowing that the finish line was just over that hill, made me run a little faster as I came to the top of it. Of course, there were many variables that were beyond my control such as the weather (thank God this stayed beautiful even though rain was expected) or a muscle cramp, or that person who stopped suddenly in front of me at the wa...