Pearls for my chip

A pearl is one of the ocean's little treasures that lies hidden within a living organism.  One would not think of  the process it takes for this jewel to come to be the adornment  that it is you see displayed in department stores.  When this living organism or oyster gets injured or attacked by foreign, noxious debris, it responds in defense by trapping it between its two shells. The oyster secretes a substance around this intruder through a process which overtime finally produces a mature pearl.

Today marks my one year sobriety birthday, one year since I decided to turn my life around and finally give up alcohol for the better.  And even though I've completely rid myself of this toxic substance, it's left behind some debris that I've had to deal with. But this past year in the process, I've come away with some pearls, pearls of wisdom or even blessings I might say.   Here are some pearls that I've discovered...

Life is not boring
  I used to live, live for my alcoholic beverages!  As I shared before, I was a highly functioning alcoholic so I didn't drink everyday or have a shot in the morning to wake me up.  I was still able to go to work and live a somewhat normal life.  I wasn't that bad, like THOSE people.  However, it was my glass/bottle of wine/cocktail that would be the very thing I'd look forward to on the weekend, holidays, birthdays, date nights, dinners out, football games, hockey games, tail gate parties, weddings, vacations, weekend getaways, or just at the end of a very hard day.   So how were these events supposed to be fun anymore if I didn't pair it with a cocktail or two?  Well, I've learned that it can still be fun without drinking.  Being sober allows me to enjoy the event for what it really is and just be in the moment, rather than being mentally stuck in a corner somewhere swimming circles in a bottle.  It allows me to just enjoy.  Wow! What a concept!  I'm still learning.

Food still tastes good, even better.
I can recall the very moment I got addicted to wine, not to be confused with the time I first got drunk (that was years earlier) but the very moment wine itself not only latched its hold on me, but grabbed  me and put me in a shackles.  And  I willingly followed. My hubby and I were enjoying our date night  at one of those hibachi grill style Japanese restaurants.  There I was, sipping a glass of red wine in front of our chef preparing our meal, while a variety of meats, seafood and vegetables were grilling. The aroma itself should have been intoxicating, but that aroma and setting combined with the calming warmth of the wine that slowly filled me up, awakening my senses and bringing me to the nirvana of my first foodie wine buzz.  And I didn't place anything on my tongue yet, but when I did, ... oh the food orgasm!  As I became more of a foodie in the years that followed, it was natural I'd become a wino.  Uhm I mean, a coneuser of food and wine pairings.  How I loved my cabarnet with my fancy steak house meal or a chardonnay with my light summer meals.  If it was dinner out and if I could afford it, it was a cocktail (usually a martini) with appetizer, wine with dinner and a coffee liquor with dessert.  But let's face it, most days I just wanted to drink to get drunk.  I disguised that with this wine drinker image.  You know, cause that's how classy people get drunk.   I leaned towards the reds, stronger especially pinot noir, and red blends? Bring it on!   And when you're that gone anything pairs well with everything really.   I loved to cook and wine,  eat some appetizers and wine, then eat some more!  I once heard someone say, the wine buzz is great, but the wine drunk should never be done.  I loved both!  I loved wine, wine, wine.  Did I say, I used to enjoy wine? Where was I going with this? Ah yes, my pearl! So 'How was I supposed to enjoy food with NO wine?' I wined!  Well it takes some time. I still find myself reaching for that full bodied glass when ever I chop garlic. But really, food still tastes great and even better. Like the cilia (microscopic hair-like structures that clear the airway)  in  a smoker's lungs get awakened when they quit smoking, my tasted buds ae being awakened, and now I love to eat.  I love food, food, FOOD!

One day at a time
This really works. I can't worry what the future will bring, next week or tomorrow.  All I pray is for God to get me through another day sober.

I can still be fun.
Don't drink. Don't smoke. What do you do? Adam Ant's 80s song dancing in my head. What do I do? I do lots, discovering a new me, a new sober me and she's actually pretty fun. I'd date her. 

I might even be something more.
Example , this blog. Never would I thought I could write again and share these personal life details.  There is so much more in life.  The future is bright.

No more hangovers!
Need I say more?

Not worrying about where the closest restroom is.
I have a small bladder anyway. Add alcohol into the mix and any one of my closest friends can tell you, be prepared to stop what we're doing every 5 minutes to go find a restroom.  At least until I was drunk and dehydrated, then the real party started.

Discovering new ways to relax.
How am I supposed to unwine and unwind? I deserved my drink at the end of a long day? What now? Poor me!
Yes,  life gets hectic and even sucks at times.  These are the times I learn to put on my big girl pants and woMAN up!  I'm still learning.

A better more open marriage.
Something I look forward to now everyday.  Since, I'm a new person, I fall in love with me, which means I fall in love with my husband and this new couple we are and we can finally grow together. Everyone wins!  Love this pearl!

A deeper relationship with my God.
He has given me this treasure of pearls. This is the gift that keeps on giving.  Thank you for letting me share these pearls with you.  I'm going to proudly wear mine.


  1. Love your blog - your transparency is refreshing! Thanks for sharing your pearls with us!


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