Renewing of the mind

   It's been about 8 months since I've had my last alcoholic drink.  Almost a full term pregnancy! And like a woman's body goes through many changes during pregnancy, so does the mind when it hasn't had a drink in awhile. I mentioned in a previous post, I can already feel new neurons in my brain forming.  Well, allow me to expand on that a moment.

But first, won't you join me for  a little science lesson. The human brain is made up of neurons communicating with each other by these chemical substances called neurotransmitters. The place where these neurons meet are called synapses  and that is where the communication takes place.  So think of the neurons as roads or highways  and these neurotransmitters as the vehicles transporting information along these pathways or neurons. And your brain, well an expanse mass of land.  Whenever we learn or experience something new,  connections amongst the neurons are being made, more synapses or new roads and highways.  With me so far?   So what happens when alcohol is brought into the mix? The brain amongst other organs in the body is greatly susceptible to injury by alcohol consumption.   Alcohol affects different parts of the brain, but especially at the level of these neurotransmitters.  Think of alcohol as this big dominating force or tank or big rig if you will that doesn't drive nice  when its out on the road.  After years, months, days even, alcohol subdues all the other nice vehicles to go away and hide in their garages.      When alcohol goes away and is no longer on the road, those nice vehicles that have been hiding get so happy and excited to be out that a whole bunch of them come out at once causing major accidents (alcoholic seizure) and disruption of highways (neuronal death).  Of course, this is an over simplistic view of what is actually going on.  And this has only  been demonstrated in the brains of chronic alcoholic users. However, I believe there are similar changes occurring  in the moderate drinker much like I was although not to that great extent.   In addition, it is important to note that new synapses, connections, neurons or highways are being formed whenever we learn something new or adopt a new behavior. Those synapses fire between neurons eventually forming new roads and highways.  The brain is being re wired.   The mind  is being renewed. 

There are only fleeting moments I crave alcohol, especially when I've had a rough day or during that time of the month. There are other moments I miss it, but not really tempted.  For example, when I see the person sitting across the restaurant with a nice full glass of wine on the table with their steak dinner.  It is only then, I kind of miss the ritual of it.  Of course that ritual comes with a big cost that's totally not worth it. Then there are those awkward moments when I feel like ok, this is the part of my story where I usually have a drink,  like on Super Bowl Sunday or St. Patricks day.   I can feel my brain changing in all of these moments.  Its as if I come to a stop in my neurotransmitter vehicle at the dead end of  the neuron road.  I am stuck in the quiet place of the synapse.  Slowly something starts to fire, then the vehicle jumps to cross and lands to a new neuron, a new place.  My neurons are being stretched and pulled to make new connections as I learn to cope with life in a healthy way.  It is here at this quiet, awkward new place, I feel my mind being renewed. 

I used to live for the weekends, the next vacation,  all inclusive resorts, shopping sprees, date nights, parties,  all of which involved alcohol of course.  This is the pattern of the world. If you open the bible and look at the verse preceding this one above, Paul urges us to offer our bodies in service to God.  I believe this includes the mind.  Now, I find myself  trying to do what Paul says and think on things that are honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report, reflecting on God's will for my life.  Consequently, I am transformed and can find real joy and live for the sound of my child's laughter, ice cream, time spent with my husband, chocolate cake, new friends, beauty of nature, a nice long run on a cool day and a closer walk with my God. 
  This world is crazy!  There are so many voices out there calling for our attention.  There are voices everywhere claiming only this or that can bring true happiness.  For a moment and for me,  I thought that was alcohol. It is an endless crazy pattern.   It is a pattern we must not conform to.   So if you feel like God is calling you to a new place, asking you to do something new or come out of your comfort zone, just remember, new neurons and connections in the brain are being made and you will be transformed into what God's will is for you-his perfect and pleasing will. 


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