40 days to 40, day 9

  So lesson learned from yesterday's dilemma, or shall I say drama is that I can't always be responsible for other people's feelings and I can't always make everyone happy even though I want to.  Its just not realistic. It did provide good practice though in making me stop and think before reacting.  I also had to trust in God that whatever happens everything will work out according to his will.  So moving on,...

     One good thing about having a birthday at the end of the year is getting to see all my friends turn 40 before me. Haha!!  But seriously, this morning I was reminded of a wonderful friendship I had when I saw my friend's 40th birthday pictures on Facebook.  She is a friend  I knew in grade school and she and another girlfriend and I became really close during our junior high years.   At an awkward and vulnerable time in my life when I was often bullied and at my lowest self-esteem, these young women were my life line.  I'll never forget the laughter and good times.  I want them to know if they are reading this now, I thank God for the both of you. 

Today, I am  grateful for my parents who celebrate 50 years in matrimony.  What an awesome gift and model of loving marriage to have as parents!  We are having a party at the end of the month to celebrate them that I am so looking forward to. 

  One realization I was struck by on that horrible day 14 years ago was that life is too short.  It is definitely too short for drama and too short to feel sorry for yourself.   We must be careful not to take those relationships and blessings around us for granted.  Even when the world seems as if it is falling around us, there is still hope.   We can be joyful in that hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. 

A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.  --John Barrymore


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