
Showing posts from August, 2020

A Crown for you, NOT Corona.

I still love running for staying healthy and the way it makes my body feel,  but its hard to stay motivated when there are no running events to train for.  And with the covid surge happening in our state now, I don’t see any events happening anytime soon.   So the other day, I came up with a reward for myself at the end of my run. If I can make it over 6 miles, I will give my self a break by the ocean to enjoy the view.  Or I’ll allow myself to run at a slower jogging pace or jump in the ocean for a swim.  I returned to my celebrate recovery meetings and met with my new group this past week on zoom, not the ideal way, but it was nice to see everyone’s faces without a mask.  We were without our masks literally and figuratively, because that is where we can share honestly without being judged. I’ve recently discovered a passion for bible journaling!  What is bible journaling you ask? Well I’m hoping my pictures explain, but its a creative way of get...


The Covid pandemic has left this once bustling tourist resort that I live in into a quiet oasis.  I enjoy running  along the lagoon pathways that are now less crowded.  The peaceful beaches and ocean views serve me well as a remote break to my busy work days.     I get to enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets.    Doesn’t sound too bad you think? Lucky to live in Hawaii in the pandemic!  Yet, in all this splendor,  I’m left with a feeling that’s something missing.  My sister was supposed to visit this time with her family, but those plans were wiped out by covid.  Oh how I would have loved to spend some time with my sis sharing in all this splendor, hiking, beaching and just catching up.  Guess we’ll have to wait a little longer.  A piece of my heart is still with my family in the mainland and this pandemic makes me feel even more distant.  How can one truly enjoy paradise if they don’t have their loved ones to sha...