All signs point to Jesus: A journey through the book of Matthew, chapter 14.


CHAPTER 13:53-14

Why did the neighbors among whom Jesus grew up reject Him? (Ch 13v.53-58)

Why did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead?

What lesson was Jesus teaching His disciples by this miracle?

How does this event show the disciples were growing in faith and understanding?

What is significant about Jesus healing people who touched the fringe of His clothing?

Here we have another part of Matthew where an idea starts at the end of one chapter then continues on to the next.  That is why I repeated the question from chapter 13 verses 53-58.  In these verses we see an opposition to Jesus that starts in his own hometown and continues with Herod the tetrarch.  What we really get to see is two pictures of unbelief AND belief.  In Jesus’ home town, they heard his words and saw what he did but denied Him worship. Herod's unbelief led to John’s beheading and Jesus’ crucifixion. 

Then there are two pictures of belief.  The story of loaves and the fishes shows us faith in at the face of need. Jesus had compassion and the Lord provided.  The verse that really speaks to me in this time in my life is the one that illustrates the second picture of belief.  That is belief in the face of fear.  Jesus calls Peter to walk on the water and Peter does, but as soon as he sees the waves and becomes afraid, he starts to sink. 

Matthew 14:31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Jesus can protect and empower in our despair.  Keeping our focus on Jesus and being empowered by the Spirit will keep us from sinking. 

We currently rent our place, never owned a home. That has been a prayer on my heart for years if it is God’s will.  As renters, just a couple days ago, we were given a 45 day notice as the owners of our current residence will be selling. It is not the first time this has happened. Last time we got this message at our previous rental, it immediately sent me into a panic.  Even now, and even though I’m placing more trust in God, I find my thoughts get distracted by the checklist of things we need to do for the move. I’m trying not put my  hopes on one place I see online and letting God reveal the place that is meant for us in his time.  As I get distracted, the Holy Spirit whispers these words in my ear, ‘Return to the Lord. Return to the Lord’.  What mattered most when Peter got out of the boat, was not the measure of his faith but the object his faith.  And that is what I do when I hear those words, ‘return to the Lord’, returning my focus on the Lord and not on the waves. 

In your places of fear, know that Jesus is sovereign over you. Jesus is interceding for you. Jesus is present with you. Jesus is peace around you. 

As we see these pictures of belief in this chapter, reflect on the fact that  what we believe about Jesus will determine every thing about how we worship him. Even today, people hear aboutJesus, see evidence of his work, but deny him the worship that he is due. 

I pray that I am not one of those people. Lord, I worship you as the one who is sovereign, interceding, present and peace in my life.  Lord God you are worthy of my whole heart of worship. 


Jesus returns to preach in His hometown of Nazareth.

Read 13:53–58.

Q 76:

A 76:

Why did the neighbors among whom Jesus grew up reject Him?

At first, they marveled at His words and felt He spoke well, but then their familiarity with Him and His family caused them to dismiss Him, grow bitter, reject Him, and finally try to kill Him. Pray that the Holy Spirit will keep your Lord’s Word fresh to your ears so you never treat it with contempt.

Matthew flashes back to events that led Herod to execute John the Baptist.

Read 14:1–12.

Q 77: Why did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead?

A 77: John had never performed miracles, so when Herod heard that Jesus was, he thought John must have been raised from the dead. This could indicate that Herod was preoccupied with John the Baptist, his guilty conscience bothering him because he knew he had killed an innocent man.

Jesus feeds five thousand men besides women and children.

Read 14:13–21.

Q 78:

A 78:

What lesson was Jesus teaching His disciples by this miracle?

When Jesus first told them to feed the crowd, His disciples knew their resources were far too small. When Jesus multiplied those meager resources and satisfied the entire crowd, the disciples could see that Jesus had the power to provide for all their needs, even when they had no clue what to do. In their future ministries, they could count on Jesus to provide all they needed.

Jesus walks on the water.

Read 14:22–33.

Q 79:

A 79:

How does this event show the disciples were growing in faith and understanding?

Even though he later faltered, Peter did have faith in Jesus to

step out onto the water and begin walking across it to Him. At a previous time when Jesus calmed the sea, the disciples wondered what sort of man He was (Matthew 8:27), but this time they worshiped Him as the Son of God.

Jesus comes ashore and heals many sick people.

Read 14:34–36.

Q 80:

A 80:

What is significant about Jesus healing people who touched the fringe of His clothing?

That act is a demonstration of great faith and confidence on the part of the sick who requested that. It also reflects the generosity and kindness of Jesus, who cared enough about the sick to not neglect them or seek to avoid them.

Jesus teaches scribes and Pharisees the difference between traditions and commandments.

© 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®.


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