All signs point to Jesus: A journey through the book of Matthew week 8, chapter 11



In this chapter, we get a glimpse of doubt from an unsuspecting person.

We get more insight into who this Jesus is. 

There is also an invitation. 

Questions for Chapter 11

Why would John have doubts about Jesus being the Messiah?

What warning does this passage give to us if we attend church frequently but refuse to really repent and believe? (v.20-24)

What is the yoke Jesus is talking about?

Let’s face it, life is hard. And even harder for a Christian I think. We live in a world surrounded by sin and unbelief.   We can be walking tall in our faith one day, then low with doubts the next. 

Even John the Baptist had doubts, while he was in prison  or some might say he had a temporary lapse of faith (v.3).  Jesus reminds him of the prophecies fulfilled and preached to the poor. (v.5) 

Where does doubt originate? 

The believer’s bible commentary dissects this anatomy of doubt which reveals:  difficult situations, unmet expectations. And limited perception. 

What is the answer then? The answer to doubt is biblical revelation, joyful submission.  God’s blessings rest on those who recognize Jesus as the messiah. Some may doubt since Jesus was low and humble but they are guided by fleshly desires. 

This is a great reminder for me when I sometimes doubt God’s plan for my life. 

Jesus goes on to defend John.  John was a simple man of God who’s humble lifestyle was a rebuke to the worldliness of that time. (v.8).  John opened the way for Christ and got out of the way for Christ (v.10).  John’s privilege was announcing Christ. We as believers have a greater privilege. Our significance lies in being a witness to Christ. John went before Christ in the spirit of Elijah.  (v.14).  The message is for all who want to listen. Don’t miss the significance of this. In accrediting John, Jesus was reaffirming his claim to be Christ of God. (v.15). 

Although Jesus was refused to be acknowledged, he was verified by his miracles and transformation of his followers. (v.19)

Jesus goes on to give a warning in verses 21-24.  Jesus will condemn the unrepentant (v.22) and damn the indifferent (Capernaum,v.23)

So are we  who are in doubt condemned?  No , as Jesus explains in the following verses.  God reveals to those who are ready to learn.  Those who admit their lack of wisdom receive a revelation of Him. In the face of unbelief Jesus found consolation in the everlasting plan and purpose of God (v.25).  We receive God’s truth with humble trust of child, acknowledging total trust in the father.   God wants to reveal himself to us. (v.26).  Jesus alone knows the Father and Jesus alone reveals the Father

Then Jesus gives us an invitation, to rest in Him. What does that mean to 'rest in Him'? When we give all we have to Jesus, the full weight of our sin and submit to him, he give us full pardon of our sin.  Jesus is the yoke that we are attached to work in peace with God. We don’t have to bear hardships alone.  The call to Christianity is not a call to try and revert our life to be a better person. Praise God we are free from our own efforts of self improvement, struggles to overcome the guilt of our sin.  Hear the invitation of Christ when faith is hard and burden heavy. 

1) repent of sin and confess it. 

2) renounce yourself, throw out any pride

3) rest in Christ. When you come to Christ, rejoice forever because that rest He offers is eternal. 



John the Baptist sends messengers to Jesus.

Read 11:1–19.

Q 55:

A 55:

Why would John have doubts about Jesus being the Messiah?

John had preached both the salvation and the judgment of Jesus. He was hearing all kinds of stories about Jesus’ healings and Gospel proclamation, but the guilty were still going unpunished— especially people like Herod Antipas, who still held him in prison. It is likely John didn’t realize that the judgment he prophesied would only happen when Jesus returned to judge the earth on the Last Day. Jesus encourages John to focus on the prophesies He is fulfilling and put his trust in Jesus.

Jesus goes on to talk about the violence that gripped John, violence He Himself would soon suffer on the cross, and the sufferings His disciples would suffer after He ascended into heaven.

Jesus pronounces woes upon the cities that witnessed His miracles and preaching, yet refused to believe.

Read 11:20–24.

Q 56:

A 56:

What warning does this passage give to us if we attend church frequently but refuse to really repent and believe?

The Holy Spirit is working through Word and Sacraments to create repentance and faith within us. But we can resist His work, harden our hearts, and refuse to repent or believe. If we do that, a very harsh judgment awaits us.

Jesus rejoices that God the Father does not require human wisdom for a person to be able to know God’s Son and believe through Him.

© 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®.

Read 11:25–30.

Q 57:

A 57:

What is the yoke Jesus is talking about?

A yoke was a harness that fit over the necks and shoulders of two work animals. The animals pushed against the yoke and moved whatever implements were attached to it (e.g., plows or wagons). Here Jesus offers us a place at His side, yoked to Him. Being God, He has the power to push the entire load all by Himself; all we need to do is humbly walk alongside Him.

The Pharisees charge Jesus’ disciples with breaking the Sabbath laws.


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