All signs point to Jesus: A journey through the book of Matthew, week 7, chapter 10.


Questions for chapter 10

What was the purpose of this mission?

Why did Jesus limit their ministry to Jews alone at that time?

Jesus warns the 12 of the persecution they will face. When did this persecution begin?

Whom did Jesus direct His disciples to fear instead of their enemies?

What would it mean to love father, mother, son, or daughter more than Jesus?

Why did Jesus end His sermon to the disciples with these words? (10:40-42) 

My commentary

The last chapter 9 seems to flow into chapter 10 in verses 35-38.  Jesus reveals the need or the why so to speak before he sends out his disciples. 

He had true compassion for these people he was teaching and healing.  These people needed a Shepard.  And there were lots of them.   Notice, Jesus first calls them to pray before he summons to go.  Then in chapter 10, Jesus sends out disciples to continue or participate in the good work that he started showing that Jesus is truly the Christ, King of Israel.  Jesus takes care not to sugar coat their mission.  Then Jesus  takes care to reassure them in verses 26-31.  He even says says ‘Don’t be afraid’ three times. 

Verse 26: don’t be afraid of the seeming victory of foes

Verse 28: physical death is not the end tragedy for the Christian

Verse 31: God will take care of you. He knows you completely. 

Fear will tempt us but the Father will take care of us. In these verses, we are called to see with an eternal perspective (28) and  speak with a holy boldness (v.27). 

My favorite and at first confusing verses in this chapter is v. 38-39.  What does it mean to take up his cross? Find your life or lose it? 

Jesus is talking about what it means to follow him.  He is so worthy to follow even if it means forsaking the love of one’s own life.   In today’s Western world, we are not in danger immediately of being killed for our Christian beliefs and thank God for that.  How fortunate we are to live in a country where we are free to attend church.  I can post this blog without fear of the government enforcement come taking me away to prison.   So what does this mean for us today?  I think this means going without the comforts and conveniences of my life.  Helping someone in need, volunteering our time, refraining from lashing out at someone when they cut me off can all be ways of ‘losing my life’.  The believer’s bible commentary also describes it as this, ‘ trying to avoid the pain and loss of life in total commitment is the greatest waste of life.  To spend life in service to Christ is to find it, or live it in its true fullness’. 

Jesus shows us a better way of life worth living. And by spreading the gospel other’s can find peace and life too. 

Application: This chapter teaches me that God will take care of me in sharing the gospel.  I sometime let fear, laziness, selfish desires keep me from sharing the gospel.  My response is to be bold in sharing Jesus. This is especially true in my practice at work. And I can always call on God for help.  


Jesus prepares His twelve disciples for a missionary trip to the villages and towns of Galilee.

Read 10:1–4.

Q 49:

A 49:

What was the purpose of this mission?

Jesus was giving them hands-on preparation and experience for their life’s work as apostles after His ascension. In the process,

He was also able to multiply His ministry in Galilee from one (Himself) to seven preaching teams (Himself and six teams of two disciples).

Jesus explains the scope of this mission trip and how God will provide their needs through believers.

© 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®.

Read 10:5–15.

Q 50:

A 50:

Why did Jesus limit their ministry to Jews alone at that time?

God the Father sent Jesus to focus on the Jews first. Through His own tour through Galilee, He saw how the Jews were lost, “like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36), misguided by the false teachings of the scribes. He gave the disciples authority to perform miracles and drive out demons so the Jews would have evidence that Jesus was the Christ, the King of Israel, and that His kingdom was among them. After His death, resurrection, and ascension, He sent them to Samaria and all the world.

Jesus warns the Twelve of the stiff persecution and opposition they will face.

Read 10:16–25.

Q 51:

A 51:

When did this persecution begin?

Mild opposition from the Jewish religious leadership was already beginning at that time, and Jesus’ enemies were growing more and more frustrated and felt more and more threatened by Him. But after His death, the enemy opposition would grow far more intense, including beatings, floggings, imprisonment, and martyrdom. Jesus kept the disciples in mind of their goal—eternal life—and promised to provide the Holy Spirit, who would speak through them to offer repentance and salvation to their enemies.

Do not fear the enemy; trust Christ for protection.

Read 10:26–33.

Q 52:

A 52:

Whom did Jesus direct His disciples to fear instead of their enemies?

They were to fear God. The worst their earthly enemies could do was kill their bodies; their spirits were safe in God’s hands. But if they turned away from faith to escape the wrath of their earthly enemies, they risked  God’s much harsher and permanent wrath— the death of their spirit and body in hell. Just as God the Father watches over the smallest, least important bird, we can be confident He who values us much more highly will guard and protect us from earthly enemies who hate us for Jesus’ sake.

Families will be divided over Christ.

Read 10:34–39.

Q 53:

A 53:

What would it mean to love father, mother, son, or daughter more than Jesus?

It doesn’t mean that we abandon our family members, but if they make us choose, we side with Jesus, knowing that only He can give us eternal life. We pray our family members will remain open to our influence, but if they disown us we have no choice but to remain with Jesus. Jesus distanced Himself from His family when they did not believe in Him (Mark 3:31–35).

© 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®.

Jesus promises rich blessings for those who receive the apostles and other Christians as Christ’s ambassadors.

Read 10:40–42.

Q 54:

A 54:

Why did Jesus end His sermon to the disciples with these words?

Jesus has discussed the difficulty of ministry and the rejection and opposition they will face, even from family members at times. But He assures them that there will be believers who accept the Gospel with joyful hearts and treat them with love and respect. This will be their true family through time and eternity.


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