The Voice
I mentioned in an earlier entry that my oldest son had some recent struggles with mental health. Well with his permission, I’m going to share a little of his story and what he’s been going through. A few months ago, he started to have what I can only describe as these spontaneous involuntary movement episodes. Out of the blue, and for what seemed like no reason at all, his body would suddenly go into jerk like movements, almost seizure like for a few moments. The first severe episode of this sort was witnessed by my parents while my husband and I were away on another island for vacation. They were walking around the mall, when they witnessed his body going into a sudden convulsion, falling back to the floor in a seizure like episode lasting a few seconds but may have seemed longer. As you can imagine, this was very scary to his grandparents and his brothers who were there to witness it, let alone my husband and I who weren’t...