Breech it!
We are in the middle of whale season here in Hawaii and its always an exciting time. It's time for the whales migrate north towards southern warm waters to mate and breed. My husband and I enjoyed one of the whale watching tours a couple of years ago and this year we decided to take along the boys. As the boat reaches some ways off shore , we wait keeping our eyes peeled toward the ocean horizon for any sign of humpback whale life. We look for the spout and hope to see the the elusive breech when these marvelous creatures jump with their bodies completely out of water. Towards the end of our tour, we were able to see whales breaching in the far distance. Nobody knows for sure why whales breech. One theory is to dislodge barnacles or parasites that they pick up on their travels. Some say, its a form of communication. I’d like to think they’re just having fun. These past three weeks, I participated w...