one step at a time

Meet my friend, Dale. Dale is a seventy something year old man who runs over a hundred miles a week or sometimes all at once. Yes, Dale is a real person. I met him three years ago, not long after we moved to Hawaii, while running the paths around here at the lagoons. He runs from his home in Makakilo, around town and down to the beach. He greets just about everyone that comes along his path. I consider him my running spiritual guru. He always has some advice to share with me whether its about shoes, nutrition, or an upcoming running event, all in quick second spurts as we meet each other along our paths. Or sometimes we share a quick hi if we're running in opposite directions, and then he shouts 'I'll catch you on the go around!' when he passes by. The other day he told me he was on his fourth day of running twenty miles in a row. He wears feathers in his running hat. He even gave me shoe trinkets to attach to...