The Hangnail

I have this horrible hang nail on my right forefinger that seemed to develop an ugly life of its own and formed into a painful tiny abscess. Ok, I might have contributed a bit by yanking that piece of skin off. I knew I should not have done it, but I didn't expect it to be this bad. It has caused the tip of my finger to become red and swollen as I now have 'sausage finger'. I know there are people on this earth dealing with much worse; cancer, the loss of loved one, depression. I myself have dealt with much worse than this dumb hang nail, 3 C- sections, appendectomy , small bowel obstruction , my addictions AND I ran 2 marathons, but this hang nail thing is really annoying! I can't write that long in my journal without getting pain radiating up my arm. And if I accidentally barely bump my finger just on that spot, YOWSERS! (insert expletive $@#!) I wear a band aid so no one would see it, ...