Your first love
Even though, this is the month of a highly commercialized holiday, a holiday that doesn't have any biblical background, a holiday that just happens to be another one of those celebrations in history that was 'Christianized' in an attempt to win over some pagans and their hedonistic rituals, a holiday that just depresses people who are single as they are reminded of their lonely state and stresses out couples as they are feel pressured to please their counterparts to a materialistic and shallow standard. Despite all this, I choose to rise above all that and can't help but reflect on love. I feel compelled to share what God has been speaking to me these past days about love. When I was a little girl, although the strong, independent woman in me is reluctant to admit this, that I, not unlike any other little girls, used to dream about meeting my Prince Charming one day just like in the storybooks or...