Science and spirituality, my starting point.

     Some people may think that science and matters of faith are not compatible. A person of faith like a pastor or clergyman can not believe in science or alternatively, a scientist must not believe in a God. On the contrary, I've come to believe that both science and faith  go hand in hand, even support each other.  
    Since the beginning of time, cultures have wanted to know more about the world around them.  I just finished watching the movie 'Theory of relativity'  about Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant minds of our time.  He would be the first to propose this theory of cosmology in order to explain the origin of the universe and therefore creation.   His theory would claim the universe has a starting point.  This is an example of science finding an explanation for the universe. Religions find explanation for the universe in God.  
   The  bible actually has a lot of examples, verses that are consistent with scientific principles, but I'm not  writing today to talk about every example the bible gives supporting science because there is actually a lot.  Besides, it was not the intended purpose of the Bible to be a science textbook.  I wanted to share rather the starting point moment in my life.  The moment my own 'theory of everything' was revealed to me. That is the moment I was convinced there was a creator. 
    So when was this moment? Well, it wasn't in a pretty sunset or some other natural wonder.  It was,  are you ready? when I was I introduced to the periodic table of elements in my high school science class.  Yes, that dreary dusty chart hanging up in your science classroom.  A bit nerdy you think?  Good, cause now I'm going to nerd it up even more by refreshing your memory about what that weird chart was for anyway. 
  The periodic table of elements is a chart that organizes every natural (and some synthetic) ocurring element according to its chemical properties.   Every element that makes up matter, the earth, space, our bodies, is organized in this chart  into a useful logic all manner. Each one that exists has it's own unique properties such as atomic weight. Each element is given an atomic number. Elements are lined up in order of increasing atomic number and are arranged and placed in the same rows and columns as other elements that share similar properties.  Wow! I thought, to have all these elements come together in an orderly fashion and not just randomly appear in nature just astounded me! Not only that, those elements that are considered, the elements of life such as carbon, magnesium, nitrogen, iron and calcium had its own place and close proximity to each other on the chart!  AND, these same elements of life that make up our DNA, blood ,bones are also made in collapsing stars.   We are made of star stuff, to quote the late, great Carl Sagan.  I was a believer!  Sure, this was a chart first created by the Russian scientist, Mendeleev to assist early chemists.   But on this day, it became obvious to me that a higher creator and master planner was behind all this.  This was the moment my lowly human intellect can comprehend the idea of a creator of this universe.  I also felt from that point that to study science is an attempt to know the mind of God.  He was my creator and I am his created.  If the universe has a starting point as Hawking proposed, then this was where  my Faith had it's starting point .
That day a connection had been made between my God and my intellect, a connection with my creator and my humble limited scientific mind.  The connection between my heart and and therefore a relationship with my God would come at a much later time. 

 'Science is not only compatible with spirituality;it is a profound source of spirituality.' -Carl Sagan 
   He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.    Psalm 147:4-
   The Lord is the everlasting God,the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.   Isaiah 40:28


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