All signs point to Jesus: a journey through the book of Matthew week 2


Week 2, Matthew chapter 2

The Nativity scene debunked. 

Let us keep in mind, There are about 400 years separating the last book of the old testament and the first book of the new testament, Matthew. 

Jesus who is supposedly from the royal line happens to be born under a cruel tyrant King Herod, King of the Jewish nation. King Herod was actually a descendant of Esau and if you can remember the story of Esau, weknow that he was a traditional enemy of the the Jews, so why is he here as a king of the Jewish people? It is believed that he converted to Judaism for political reasons.

Who were these visitors from the east? These wise men also called the Magi were not kings, as the Christmas song puts it.  The were well educated advisers to the kings. 

They were high ranking with power and influence. The were from Eastern lands or other nations.  Some sources say they were representatives from different nations. We see wise men frequently in the Book of Daniel; in fact Daniel and his three friends were educated to be wise men themselves (Daniel 1).  In time, Daniel became ruler over the wise men in Persia (Daniel 6:1-3) and it would not be surprising if these wise men knew of the birth of the King of the Jews through Daniel’s writings. 

We know that they did know the scriptures as they come to King Herod asking him about it in verse 2.  ‘Where is this newborn King of Jews? We saw his star as it rose and we’ve come to worship him’

One tool that I use in bible study is cross referencing. Some study bibles will have additional scriptures at the bottom of the page to cross reference. Sometimes, this gives better meaning especially when I come to a verse that I don’t understand well. I’m going to share an example of how I did this with verse 2. 

Numbers 24:17 I see him but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future, a star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel…

Jeremiah 23:5. Fro the time is coming when I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David’s line.  He will be king who rules with wisdom. He will do what is just and right throughout the land. 

Revelation 22:16. I, Jesus have sent my angel to give you the message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star. 

Two of these verses are from Old Testament (Numbers, Jeremiah) and the third is verse from a prophecy in the book of Revelation coming from the mouth of Jesus himself as if that weren’t validation enough! 

All mention a star and/or King among the Jews.  Studying these cross reference verses tells us how well  the wise men knew the prophecy, that a savior would come fulfilling it as a star.  A star signifying a light in darkness. And as stars were used many times for Shepards, sailors for directions, this star is  guiding all,  giving direction in the darkness. 

Some scientific explanations have been offered to account for the star like it was in conjunction with the planets.   It it was a couple years ago that scientist proclaimed they found the ‘Bethlehem star’, but I even as a scientist myself am skeptical. As we read in verse 9, the star guided them, went ahead of the wise men and stopped over the place Jesus was.  This is pretty unusual activity for a star to behave scientifically speaking and can only be accounted for as a miracle.    But who knows, I always say, matters of faith and science are not mutually exclusive.  There are some miracles that are eventually explained by science and maybe some day science will explain it. Either case,  we can not deny God has his hand in it.  God commands nature directly to announce his son.

King Herod did not like this news one bit.  And why would he, as he was King himself, the news of another king would threaten any ruler.  He called together the leading priest to confirm this news.  They promptly quoted from the book of Micah the prophecy of this promised Messiah, a shepherd for all of Israel.  I can’t help but notice we have here two groups of people that knew the scripture, the wise men and these experts of the law in King Herod’s court.  Yet only one group is especially excited about this Messiah being born. These religious leaders were indifferent to Jesus.  They know the Word but missed the point and failed to respond. It is  not enough to just KNOW the scriptures.  Then we see King Herod plotting to kill Jesus pretending to be kind, ‘so I can worship him’ whatever? LIES!  

The wise man were filled with joy when they came to Jesus, which was likely months after Jesus was born.  This response of joy was appropriate in coming to the Savior. 

And even though Jesus was WITH his mother, the Wise men worshipped Jesus. alone, not the mother. They brought him costly gifts each with their own meaning. 

Gold-symbolizing Jesus’ royalty, Frankincense, his diety, and Myrrh.  Myrrh is a herb used often for medicinal purposes. It is later offered to Jesus on the cross (Mark 15:23) so we can conclude this myrrh symbolizes the humanity of Jesus. Then God warns them not to return to Herod.  After they received Christ, life goes in a different direction for them and how many of us can say the same?

In a dream, God warns Joseph to flee Herod’s murderous plot. 

God knew Herod’s cunning plot to marcher this rival King, but Joseph was unaware of Herod’s intentions-as were the wise men.  Knowing that no human could forewarn Joseph, God stepped in and gave that warning Himself.  WE can be confident God knows the plots and plans of our enemies, and knows how to protect and deliver us. 

So Joseph obeyed and here we see Jesus as a refugee.  His history parallels  that of Egypt.  Only here, Jesus inaugurates the new exodus and deliverance. (Genesis 12-23) 

God brings deliverance form Egypt and the Messiah out of Egypt.  Jesus will end the mournful exile. There is hope in the midst of hurt. Thee is life in the midst of death. 

When Herod hears the wise men outwitted him, In a paranoid rage, Herod orders the killing of Bethlehem’s baby boys. 

So one might ask, if God was protecting, why would he want King Herod to know this sacred information of Christ’s birth?  God presented the gospel promise to Herod because He loved him and wanted to save him through Jesus Christ. The fact that Herod responded in unbelief is completely Herod’s fault, not God’s fault in anyway. 

Joseph and Mary return to Israel and raise Jesus in Nazareth. 

God directed Joseph to return to Nazareth to avoid Bethlehem because it was being ruled by Archelaus, Herod’s son. Archelaus was a brutal tyrant who was deposed by Rome and sent into exile within ten years of beginning his rule Archelous was replaced by a series of Roman governors one of which would be Pontius pilot. 

This happened to also fulfill another prophesy, He will be called a Nazarene. This is actually not in the old testament. Matthew is not quoting from any particular prophet.  So why does Matthew say this? We know from Matthews gospel and the others that Nazareth is not a well respected place.Isiah  53:3 states that he will be disposed and rejected by men. However, this will be good news in the end as we will see. 

If we take a step back and reflect on this chapter, we can see this promised Messiah and future King came from very humble beginnings.  I can’t help but think in the midst of this hardship, instability, and harshness,  God will bring redemption. 

The attribute that I’ve learned about God in this second chapter of Matthew is that He is a God that delivers, brings hope and freedom in Jesus.   This has also made me view myself as a King Herod at times rejecting Jesus in my mind and heart.  I am the one who needs deliverance and rescuing. I will turn to Jesus my savior who saves! 

Questions for chapter 3. 

What does the phrase, ‘repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ mean? 

What is meant by the Holy Spirit?

What righteousness did Jesus’ baptism fulfill? 

What attribute of Jesus do we learn in this chapter?


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