Looking in a mirror


I know. I know. I said I was going to stop blogging and concentrate on my book.  Well this past month, I really didn’t get to my book as much as I intended.  I have been reading a few articles on the subject of writing a book (there I go on that slippery Pinterest slope again) and from that, I formulated a style in which I wish to write it in.  Baby steps right? 

So I’m closing out my study of the book of James and I just couldn’t pass this opportunity to share with you what I learned.   Of course, there is nothing like getting into the Bible yourself, just face to face with the Word.  I highly encourage you to do so if you never have.  Don't be intimidated. The method I used from Jen Wilken's book, ‘Women of the Word’ was really helpful in getting started in this personal bible study. 

So what did James teach me and help me in my walk with Christ this month?  So much!

It is no coincidence that today’s Youversion verse of the day, came straight from James. 

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.  James 1:22-25

Studying this whole book , these past two months was like looking in the mirror. I spent all this time in it now God forbid I walk away and forget what I look like.  Now what? Well first,  I’m just going to briefly state what I carried away from each chapter.  

James 1:  God is in control and has a purpose in my trials.  Sometimes I may not see that purpose, but the point is to trust that it involves growing me into the person He wants me to be. 

James 2: Faith and works go hand in hand. That means loving others as God loves me. I am saved by grace, but I want to do these things out of love for him, not out of obligation.  

James 3: Speech comes from what’s in my heart.  So its important to do a heart check and speak in love. 

James 4: Come to God in humility, seeking his will when I pray, not my own and resting on his promise that He will lift me up. 

James 5: Being a good steward of my finances.  Confession is vital to spiritual AND physical health. 

So next step in the Bible study process which I’ve already been doing with each chapter is ‘Application’.  Taking what I learned about God first, then myself, now what is my response?  What is my action step? 

One I already did and that was pray with faith and God answered my prayers. From my frustrations and burn out from work , I’ve been praying to God to give me another christian woman physician to connect with.  Well he answered that this past month when I participated in a Women physicians in Christ half day conference.  I actually had the opportunity to meet with other women virtually in small groups.  I prayed and was prayed for!! God is so good and faithful. 

Also, I feel led to build a grateful attitude at work. 

And finally proceed in leading a small group recovery study at my church.  There I said it!

I'm secretly hoping no no one reads this blog so I don't have to be accountable to what I just shared.  But seriously,  sometimes it’s hard to take that next action step, but I must remember God’s promises in James — God is generous in wisdom (James1:5).  I can come to him in prayer. He is there to help.  (James 5:16) AND I will be blessed in what I do. (James 1:25) 

Thank you for letting me share. 

Hopeful girl Janette, 

Sober for 5 years, 7 months, and 16 days. 

Submitting my self to God for another day more (James 4:7-8,10) 


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