Rest and restore
‘Don’t get wise, bubble eyes! I’m the boss, chili sauce!’ Is what my mom would tell me in response to my childhood defiance. I couldn’t help but think of that as I read the verse above, another Godly reminder that He (and moms) truly knows what’s best. So why don’t we listen the first time?! Because sometimes I feel like that’s exactly what we are, His beloved children running amuck, given to disobey, just trying to figure our way out in this crazy world. But there is hope! There is always hope! This month marks my sobriety birthday. On July 12, I will be four years sober. Although I am not currently attending celebrate recovery meetings, I try to ‘work the steps’ as best I can—daily making a conscious decision to turn my life to the will of God, taking daily personal inventory, daily prayer and meditation to improve contact with my father, God, seeking his will in ALL areas of my life, this blog, work, family, church. ...