tacos and God
Although I did not entirely adhere strictly to the 21 day Daniel fast this last past week, (Had one cheat day and pretty much ended it early), it was still meaningful in my prayer and devotional time. There is nothing like just having that personal devotional time at the end of the day with Jesus that I would so much look forward to. So have I been transformed? I’m not sure. Physically, I learned to eat a little healthier and would probably continue some form of the Daniel fast for good health reasons. Spiritually, I will definitely continue that devotional time. I feel like I learned to listen God’s voice a little bit more and maybe handle the stress better and worry a little less. So if you’ve been following along in my previous posts this month, you’ve heard my cries for authentic Mexican food and my craving for a really good street taco. In the three short years, I’ve lived in Hawaii, I’ve come to the conc...