Let's have some cake.

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! If you don't know by now or haven't read my earlier blogs commenting on birthdays, I fully embrace my birthday. Most people, as they get older and especially us women, (yes sorry sisters I have to call you out) dread birthdays. But I choose to celebrate it just as I did when I was a little kid. To do anything otherwise, is the very thing that ages you. So stop worrying and dreading and come celebrate with me. So what is there to celebrate? Another year of life God has given you, your growth in wisdom, another year closer to going to our real home with Jesus, and another chance to do better. For me, its all of the above, and I will add another year of sobriety. And presents! Don't you just love presents?! I was blessed to get some pretty good ones this year. Our mighty God has also given us so many gifts. Everyday I make sure to enjoy the o...