Take delight

With all of the boy's schedules school, after school  activities, parent night, picture day, my husband's unstable academy schedule, the launch of celebrate recovery and keeping up with the demands of my own job its a little hard not to feel overwhelmed these days.   Don't get me wrong, I am forever grateful for the life I'm blessed with.   Yet, I must remember to work on my own recovery and take time for prayer and meditation.  I'm in the middle of our church 21 day fast and as I've given up social media taking the time for prayer and journal, I hope this will help with just that.   It is in those moments, I take delight in the Lord, but its also  in those  busy or mundane moments it gets to be a challenge.

I was fortunate to have some respite time as my parents visited me recently.   Since we left all of our family in California when we moved to Hawaii, its always so exciting when family comes to visit.   Its also been a while since my parents came and visited.  It was fun catching  up, relaxing and 'playing tourist' with them.   Its also comforting to be with them as if I can fall back into that little kid for awhile knowing the ones that have raised and protected me are with me giving me a feeling that everything is going to be alright.  They have given me counsel in times of uncertainty and lift my spirits up at the right moment.
And now my heart has sunk as they have left to go back to their home in California.
They have left me with a feeling of peace but also sadness, a feeling like a piece of me has been missing at least until the time we meet again.   Yet I am truly, blessed and grateful to be able to spend the little time with them that I had.

We can also find the same, by simply spending time with God.  We can find respite in prayer and meditation.  Take joy in the blessings in life.   Find comfort in His good wisdom and counsel.  
During this fast,  21 days of prayer and meditation, I've been trying to be a little more honest with myself and God,  knowing that we can Bring any problems to Him.  We don't have to be fake, pretend we have it all together.   We can be like a kid again trusting Him  with a child like faith. 
God is already starting to shed some light on our prayers for finding a place to live.  I know everything will be settled soon and He already has a place prepared for us because He is in control. 
So with everything going on, It is no coincidence that I am about to give the next lesson at our Celebrate Recovery meeting, on powerlessness.   This is the second part of the first step after we have admitted we not only have a problem, we do not have the power over it.  That only comes from God.  There are many things in our lives that we feel we don't have control over, but as soon as we admit that, then we can give that control up to God and He can intervene and help us.  The power to change only comes from God's grace.   And we can take great delight in that. 

Hopeful girl , sober for 2 years, 2 months and 6 days. hopeful for another day more. 


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