Car pools, addiction awareness and just keep swimming.

I'm just going to give a brief testimony of what's been going on in my so called, Hawaii hectic life. This month , I've been adjusting to a new schedule. Since I've lost my in -home nanny (aka stay at home full time dad and husband) who's decided to abandon us, the kids and I, for a much more exciting life to become Hawaii's finest, most of the home duties have been left to this working mom. Honestly, I couldn't be prouder of him. He's half way through academy and on his way to becoming what he's been called to do. And now I really know what it was like for my parents who both worked and especially my mom who did the same thing, working full time, while still providing for her kids, cooking breakfast and dinner every day, while keeping us and the whole house clean. They just don't make 'em like they used to. Whatever my apprehensions may be, I welcome this new season with open arms. I cherish the brief ...