Let's start with some fireworks...
Happy New Year! Apparently, fireworks are a big deal here in Hawaii on New Year’s. I was blessed to enjoy the shows with my good friends who were visiting, a beautiful display at the local resort viewed from my backyard lanai that set off at the stroke of midnight. At the same time, other fireworks can be heard in the distance from nearby neighborhoods. Aerial drone videos later viewed on Facebook reveal numerous blasts of bright sparks erupting throughout the island night scape. I think this custom comes from the influences of the Chinese New Year's custom and the belief that fireworks symbolizes ridding off evil spirits before the New Year. The New Year is a time many people decide to rid themselves of evil spirits or bad habits in an attempt to start new.
Last year, I stated that 2015 was a year of transition and transformation for me. After living in Southern California where I was born and raised for forty years, 2015 was the year I moved to Hawaii with my husband and three boys. So 2016 was a year of, well, I can't really put a label on it, but an interesting one for sure. There were a lot of ups and downs. It was a year of political turmoil. It was a year my mom battled Hodgkin's lymphoma for the second time. It was a year of establishing our roots and I think I can confidently say that I’m ready to spend the next forty plus years of my life here in Hawaii. It was the year I ran not one, but 2 marathons (dear Lord!) raising money for addiction programs. It was a year I spent building my practice, friendships and enjoying my family. And it was another year sober. So I am grateful for all the blessings. New Year's is not only a time for reflecting on the blessings but also a time of new beginnings. Sometimes our attention is called to make these changes. Like fireworks in the sky, God calls us to turn our attention to Him, rid ourselves of bad habits and make some changes.
Last year, I stated that 2015 was a year of transition and transformation for me. After living in Southern California where I was born and raised for forty years, 2015 was the year I moved to Hawaii with my husband and three boys. So 2016 was a year of, well, I can't really put a label on it, but an interesting one for sure. There were a lot of ups and downs. It was a year of political turmoil. It was a year my mom battled Hodgkin's lymphoma for the second time. It was a year of establishing our roots and I think I can confidently say that I’m ready to spend the next forty plus years of my life here in Hawaii. It was the year I ran not one, but 2 marathons (dear Lord!) raising money for addiction programs. It was a year I spent building my practice, friendships and enjoying my family. And it was another year sober. So I am grateful for all the blessings. New Year's is not only a time for reflecting on the blessings but also a time of new beginnings. Sometimes our attention is called to make these changes. Like fireworks in the sky, God calls us to turn our attention to Him, rid ourselves of bad habits and make some changes.
Toward the end of the year, I was challenged to make some radical changes. It came after reading this book, Radical. The book cover grabbed my attention because my husband and I are beginning to start the process of buying a home. Before, making a major decision like this, we always pray. However, I have a hard time knowing exactly what to pray for. Is it really God's will for us to buy a home? Of course, we will always return the blessing by opening our home to others. It is in our heart's desire to do this and finally establish some roots. Yet I feel almost selfish praying for this if this is only for my heart's desire. So I thought I'd find some answers in this book about what the Bible says about chasing the American dream, but I didn't exactly find the answer I was looking for. Instead, I felt God tugging at my heart to make some radical changes in my life. That's what's so great. God knows our pace and is so patient with us.
The first radical change, I was called to do was to give up Facebook. I felt it was taking up a lot of my time. I'm not saying that Facebook is totally evil. There are some positive things about it. But like we are called to cut off those things that hold us back (Col 3:5, Matt 5:30), so it was time for me to cut this off.
My first day without Facebook (FB) was a little awkward to say the least. I was at a loss standing in line at the grocery store and forced to read the gossip magazine headlines. And what to do during television commercials?
Any moment I had to wait, I felt an urge to check my FB just to connect with something, someone, the outside world! Then I think to myself, have I been on Facebook that much? Even now, as I sit here writing this and take my pauses, I feel inclined to take my 'FB' break. Oh well, I'll check snap chat and Instagram instead. Ok, I'm back. Where was I? Oh yes, now without FB, I am forced to look up and look at the world around me. I am led to put my head down towards the Bible. I even spent a few minutes dancing with my 5 year old son in front of the T.V. during one of those commercials.
Another radical change, I felt called to do was to start a new one Year Bible reading plan, this time in chronological order. The verse above was the first that stood out to me. The fact that we are created by God. God created us. Just reflect on that a minute. Now let's look at this statement with a blank space. God created you ____________.
Think about what that blank is for you. For me, I think, God created us special and unique. He also called us to be in relationship with Him. I feel like if we start here, at the very beginning, knowing this truth, then there is no telling where we can go or where the year can take us.
I also hope to also work on my sobriety this year. I'm afraid that lately I've become a 'dry drunk'. I'm not sure exactly what that term means but I've heard it thrown around recovery circles. I believe it means someone who is an alcoholic that is abstained from drinking but falling back into old unhealthy patterns of thinking. For example, feeling sorry for yourself, getting irritable or ungrateful, or longing for the 'glory' days, those days you can drink without consequence or care in the world. But in fact there were consequences and that is why I am here today. Anyway I don't want to be a dry drunk. I want to celebrate my recovery, not just abstain. I know that is going to take some work.
It feels good to make radical changes like this, it really is a practice of faith, trust in God and that way it can be really exciting. So no matter where this year might take you, or how tumultuous it may get, remember that God has created you. He created you in His image for a purpose. From the very beginning, it is clear God wants to have a relationship with you. Bad things may suddenly happen appearing in the night sky, as also the blessings calling our attention to focus on God, and perhaps rid ourselves of evil habits (addiction, mistrust, negative thinking). What fireworks has God set off in your life?
550 days sober, ...grateful and Hopeful believer for today.
I love you!